Compare venue search (on Foursquare)

Tool for Foursquare SEO. Examine personalisation of Foursquare lists of venues. Why is some venue shown on top position and others not? It depens on more factors. You can examine them with this tool.

It's based on Foursquare and Google Maps API.

Twitter Retweets Analyzer

Want analyze progress of Twitter retweets? Either your own or someone else. Try Twitter Retweets Analyzer on address Simply enter URL of tweet and you will obtain interactive progress chart and ordered list of users who retweeted it. (Limitation: There is limit for 100 retweets base on Twitter API rectrictions.)

It's based on Twitter API, runs on Google appengine (Python), using jQuery and Google Chart Tools for visualization.

Your diary on Foursquare

Foursquare contains your personal history. With this project you can use Foursquare it as your Personal Diary. Try, you can find where you have been, what you did, whom you met, what photo you took etc.

It's based on Foursquare and Google Maps API. Also using Google Chart Tools for visualization.

Plat4Mobile - Mobile Platforms on 4sq

Wonder which mobile platforms are using your Foursquare friends? Check and see. You can also compare platfomrs between your male and female friends.

It's based on Foursquare and Google Maps API. Also using Google Chart Tools for visualization.

WHOIS - find checked users on 4sq

Find checked users around the World. They don't need to be your Foursquar friends and stil you can find them, try

It's based on Foursquare and Google Maps API.

Look4square - Looking for 4sq venues?

Looking for Foursquare venues in any area? Try Project was created in the begining of 2010, when was difficult to find venues on the map. Now there are several similar tools on the market. Project was created together with mobile version for platforms without native Foursquare client.

It's based on Foursquare and Google Maps API using JavaScript templates with chain.js. Mobile version is using Google Geocoding API, Static Maps API and Nette Framework.

Twitter Analytics

Macro for Google Docs Spreadsheets that display Twitter Follower, Followings, Location and many other data about Twitter Users. Just write =TwitterFollowers("stephenfry"). The easiest way how to start is this template document (make your own version by File - Create Copy).

It's based on Twitter API and Google Apps Script. Macro source code.

Facebook Likes Counter

Macro for Google Docs Spreadsheets that display Facebook likes and shares for given URL. Just write =FacebookLikes("") and you obtain number of likes, shares and comments for webpage. The easiest way how to start is this template document (make your own version by File - Create Copy). The script is also available in official Script Gallery.

It's based on Facebook API and Google Apps Script. Macro source code.

Facebook Fans Counter

Macro for Google Docs spreadsheet that display number of Facebook fans for give Facebook page. Just write =FacebookFans(69578781928) and obtain number of fans for Facebook page (in this case The easiest way how to start is this template document (make own version by File - Create Copy).

It's based on Facebook API and Google Apps Script. Macro source code.